
CCM - Download

CCM v0.35 x64 - CCM_v0.35 20190607.exe x64
DDLs (place in same folder as executable) - DLLs
New features / Improvements
Added color coding depending on filter group (Brand Module - Red, Common Module- Green, Flexible Module - Blue)
Auto assign of filter group depending on CC name (Name that starts with "B.M" -> Brand Module, "C.M" -> Common Module, "F.M" Flexible Module)
Bug fixes

CCM v0.34 x64 - CCM_v0.34 20181219.exe x64
DDLs (place in same folder as executable) - DLLs
New features / Improvements
Release Notes 0.34
Bug fixes
iib-Matrix analysis issues

CCM v0.33 x64 - CCM_v0.33 20170629.exe x64
DDLs (place in same folder as executable) - DLLs
New features / Improvements

Bug fixes
iib-Matrix analysis issues

CCM v0.33 - CCM_v0.33 20170323.exe
CCM v0.33 - CCM_v0.33 20170323_x86.exe
DDLs (place in same folder as executable) - DLLs
New features / Improvements
Auto-arrange in DR-view

Bug fixes
Matrix analysis issues solved
Done button not visible in fullscreen on some computers. Done button in Edit CC moved to left to try to solve this.

CCM v0.33 - CCM_v0.33 20170103.exe
DDLs (place in same folder as executable) - DLLs
New features / Improvements
Comment field in Relatin Setup
"Type Of interface" is is now Global parameters
Multi-select of CC:s
Bug fixes
Various bugfixes

CCM v0.33 - CCM_v0.33_20161011.exe
DDLs (place in same folder as executable) - DLLs
New features / Improvements
Added IPS lua-script support. Remotely from CCM execute script in IPS
Import model. Import entire models to current model, used to merge models.
Add/Save CC. Save single CC and add in seperate model. More generel definition of realization of Wait and read .csv. Can now be used to only wait for a file.
Bug fixes
Solved issue with comma seperator to Excel.

CCM v0.31 - CCM_v0.31 20160516
DDLs (place in same folder as executable) - DLLs
New features / Improvements
Bug fixes
General fixes
